Fenix A319 en A321 uitgebracht en een nieuwe update voor de A320
Fenix heeft vandaag de langverwachte uitbreiding met daarin zowel de A319 als de A321 uitgebracht. Het pakket bevat in eerste instantie alle varianten met CFM en IAE motoren. Later worden hier voor zowel de A319, A320 als de A321 sharklets aan toegevoegd.
Tegelijk is er ook een nieuwe versie uitgekomen voor de A320. Het changelog voor deze update kun je hieronder lezen.
De A319/A321 uitbreiding is los te koop voor 40 GBP, maar er is ook een pakket met de A320 erbij voor 80 GBP.
A320 V2.2.0.313
(This changelog is for the A320 update ONLY)
Avionics and Systems
- Fixed non-repeating retard callouts
- Fixed wind heading jitter during no wind conditions
- Improved FBW roll control during landing
- Fixed alternate fuel not being calculated after takeoff
- Fixed RMP SEL light logic
- Fixed reading lights not working
- Tuned alpha protection
- Added cabin light flicker during engine start
- Massively reduced input delay for FBW
- Retuned all PIDs for faster inputs
- Retuned all protection executions for faster inputs
- Added ground effect compensation system
- Improved flap extension and retraction speeds, plus added easing to the animation
- Improved IAE asymmetric thrust tables
- Improved roll feedforward to make it adapt to airspeed
- Tuned alpha protection for all variants
- Tuned FBW for all variants
- Tuned auto land for all variants
- Fixed spoilers not extending in some situations
- Fixed oil pressure not showing red below the 60 PSI threshold
- Fixed G LOAD showing +- value
- Fixed constraints with 5 characters not being left-justified
- Fixed glide indication on LS ROSE not respecting brightness
- Fixed LS course not being available in LS rose mode
- Fixed more than one config memo showing
- Fixed SPEED mode being activated when thrust set above AT limit
- Improved performance very slightly
- Fixed spoiler disarming when unpausing if a spoiler axis was assigned
Art and Sound
- Improved exit sign / emergency light brightness
- Fixed incorrect min animation values on flaps
- Added new cabin emissive
- Added new cabin window textures
- Added copy of Interactions.xml without highlights
- Improved flap position and animations for all aircraft types
- Improved fan blade animation at low RPM
- Fixed flickering on belly panel
- Fixed rivet normal issue on nosecone
- Fixed cargo door handle decal flickering
- Fixed incorrect material assignment on aileron rivets
- Fixed triangulation issue on elevators
- Fixed glareshield texture regression from .407
- Fixed flap decals being cut off
- Fixed rear window inner frame having a gap
- Fixed artifacts on MECH call button
- Removed unused effects
- Added cockpit vibration sounds
- Improved CFM N2 sounds on approach
- Fixed AIR COND decal missing from overhead panel
- Fixed cabin windows at night and further improved textures
- Fixed window blind ambient occlusion
- Fixed flickering on flap canoes
- Fixed CFM engine start too quiet
- Fixed wind sound not looping
- Improved IAE buzzsaw
- Fixed RAT door not opening on all variants
- Fixed Elec Hyd. pump sound volume across cabin/cockpit
- Fixed exterior packs not being audible after engine start/dual pack ops
- Fixed cabin volume levels for cab fans and packs
- Added MLG extension/retraction sounds in cabin
- Slight adjustment to flap sounds
- Fixed engine reverser noise in flight
- Fixed volume of nose gear vibration on rotation
- Fixed EFB messages sent during aircraft boot being cleared
- Added ability for announcement packs to include an EFB background by adding a PNG or JPG to the announcement pack directory. Custom user BG’s override this: https://kb.fenixsim.com/specific-efb-backgrounds
- Added aircraft type to status bar
- Added ZFWCG symbol to mass and balance chart
- Improved cargo distribution based on aircraft type – payload is loaded into different compartments based on passenger load and other factors, before all payload was equally split between all holds
- Fixed EFB getting stuck while loading if it couldn’t fetch the METAR
- Fixed some cases of high flex temps outputting TOGA instead of max flex
- Added ability to change the cabin light brightness. More improvements planned in this area
- Fixed take-off weight input not automatically submitting when using KG. LBS will still need to be manually closed if weight is less than 100.00
- Fixed runway slope not being factored into take-off performance calculations – previously a static conservative runway reduction amount was applied to improve performance results
- Fixed flex temperature not reducing as much as expected as runway elevation increases
- Fixed some bad take-off performance calculations when in WET conditions
- Reduced the size of view METAR/TAF/ATIS buttons
- Fixed TOPL limited results not showing the highest TOPL result available
- Updated SimBrief aircraft performance profiles to use the correct flat rated thrust temperatures
- Various bug fixes in takeoff performance calculations
Flight and Engine Models
- Input latency specific fixes/adjustments
- Implemented custom externalised ground effect controller
- Implemented initial tuning of ground effect controller
- Implemented custom externalised taxi friction – unfortunately as with all aircraft, when it is wet it gets significantly more sticky – we haven’t been able to fix that core-sim behaviour yet, we hope Asobo take a look at this soon.
- Adjusted ram drag on dead engines
- Slightly untwisted wing root
- Adjusted parameters influencing wing stalls at high AOA and extreme low speed
- Reworked reverse on all variants except A320 IAE
- Fixed MSFS not being detected when starting in a non-admin account
- Fixed Installer not launching in some cases from non-admin accounts
- Fixed some cases where download/install will hang and not complete
- Fixed multiple downloads being queueable at once
nog steeds geen vip missie in fs2024
Voor iedereen die FSVisions een warm hart toedraagt een gelukkig en gezond 2025! Happy and Many safe Flights!
Gelukkig nieuw jaar ook voor iedereen gewenst!
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