Aerosoft Airport Zagreb bijgewerkt naar v2.0.0.0
Aerosoft heeft Airport Zagreb voorzien van een nieuwe update. Deze versie brengt een flink aantal verbeteringen en ook ondersteuning voor de VDGS module van Aerosoft. Je kunt de update nu binnenhalen via de Aerosoft Updater. Bekijk het changelog hieronder.
- Improved
- ground radar tower
- terminal benches
- the inside of the control tower now with navigation equipment
- wave-form roof of the new terminal building
- correction of the position of the control tower in relation to the building
- correction of the roof of the old terminal
- New facilities
- New southern entrance to the Cargo part of the airport
- Car rental containers
- New building near the gas tank
- toll plazas, bus station canopy and parking billboards of the new terminal
- all fences around and in the airport area
- Animated passengers
- New GroudPoly built for new car parks at the new terminal, new Cargo entrance and two connecting roads.
- Improved some textures and changing the texture name for Cobus
- Installed colliders on all facilities
- Completely revised and newly made accurate model of airport lighting (approach light, apron light, taxi light) and all obstructive lights
- Newly made night lighting of roads and parking lots
- Position of the airport and all buildings
- Resolved rain and snow problem inside the terminal building
- Support for Aerosoft’s VDGS system included
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