Aerosoft CRJ v1.0.0.1 update voor MSFS uitgekomen
De titel zegt het al, updaten doe je via je eigen Aerosoft ”ASUpdater”. Hieronder alle update info:
- Exterior lights reworked (volumetric effects)
- Nav-to-Nav Transfer should now switch to nav source VOR/LOC if just one NAV is tuned to an ILS
- Magnetic to true course correction for localizers
- Added function to delete constraints on the LEGS page
- Added IBEX livery
- Custom glide slope hold function
- GLD system now includes spoiler extension on RTO
- Further improvements on throttle control
- Flight model update for spoiler effects
- Fixed IAS/Mach pushbutton not working on the ground
- Increased “green range” for aileron and rudder trim indication on ED2
- Aileron trim now showing properly when between 40 degrees and sim limit
- Fixed missing “A” in HPA in PFD baro indication
- Fixed a CTD when entering a custom waypoint into and empty ALTN FPLN
- Fixed an endless loop (CTD in MSFS) that could occur when calculating a 180 degree DME Arc or Rad Fix leg
- Fixed a double Lbs to KG conversion on the EFB ZFW page
- Improved throttle control (less N1 drops)
- Fixed COM frequency swap
- Fixed selecting COM frequency into scratchpad on FMS radio page
- Fixed flickering RAM AIR OPEN light
- Fixed mouse wheel direction of HOT/COLD switches
- Removed “roll over” effect from the fuel panel mode knob
- Fixed HGS no longer drawing when unpowered
- PA/CHIME/CALL/EMER animations fixed
- Fixed Yoke trim switches
- Fixed ISI glideslope indication only half of that in the PFD
- Fixed COM frequency display on RADIO page
- Added page index and count to RADIO page
- Fixed ZFW data entry limitation
- Added colored background for active EFB data entry fields
- Added “Parking Brake set” as condition for state changes
- Fixed flight spoiler CAS message
- Fixed “FlightDeck Sounds” EFB setting not saved
- Several fixes to avoid CTDs when selecting arrival without having a departure airport set
- Fixed ZFW direct entries on loadsheet
- Limited ZFW direct entry to the range from MZFW and MTOW
- Fixed a bug which could lead to negative passenger weights
- Refuel Panel stops fueling when parking brake is not set (plus fault light is ON, when attempted)
- Added visual mouse click feedback to EFB
- Reworked colors in EFB
- Several sound volume changes in MSFS
- Fixed APU door opening only 25%
- Fixed yoke stabilizer trim switches
- Added HGS brightness knob animation and clickspots
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