DeltaWing Simulations F-16 Series voor X-Plane v11+
De nieuwe ontwikkelaar DeltaWing Simulations werkt aan de add-on genaamd ”F-16 Series” voor X-Plane v11+. Dit zou wel eens één van de beste add-ons voor X-Plane kunnen worden. Overigens is het de bedoeling dat de eerste serie al in oktober uit gaat komen. Dit eerste F-16 pakket zou gaan om de ”Airshow Edition” en bevat dus nog geen bewapening / wapen systemen, deze zullen bij latere versies volgen. Hieronder alle info.
Here is the feature list:
- Highly detailed 3d exterior model
- Highly detailed 3d cockpit model
- Highly detailed 3d pilot figure with options for show/hide and helmet type
- Custom HUD
- Custom selectable action camera angles.
- Custom JHMCS HUD]
- Dual Custom MFD displays
- Custom programmable DED
- Custom remove before flightobjects
- Almost every possible animation in and out of the plane
- Tailhook
- Real sounds
- 4K textures
- Realistic startup sequence
- Custom particles system
- Custom cockpit lights
- Custom external lights
- Customised payload that includes:
- Optional wing smokers
- Optional wing fuel tanks
- Optional centerline fueltank
- Optional centerline travelpod
- Optional CFT fuel tanks
The first release of the F-16 will be orientated into the Airshow Edition of the Jet, as such there will be no weapon systems in the first Special Edition. The Flight model is optimised for authentic performance with basic Fly-By-Wire functions controlled by aplugin and verified by real world F-16 pilots.
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