Flight FX HJet uitgebracht
Flight FX heeft haar HJet uitgebracht voor Microsoft Flight Simulator. Dit toestel valt onder de zogenaamde categorie VLJ (Very Light Jet). Het beschikt onder andere over een Garmin 300) Cockpit Management System en is in staat on 4.100 ft. per minuut te klimmen met een bereik van 1.200 nm en een kruissnelheid van 422 knopen. Een ideaal toestel om de mooie, wat kleinere bestemmingen mee aan te doen.
Je kunt dit toestel nu aanschaffen via Orbx.
Detailed Systems and Functions
- Electrical system that reacts appropriately to different load scenarios such as requirement for load shedding, bus separation, etc
- Fuel system that reacts automatically to fuel imbalances and switches the source tanks in correct sequences as per the real counterpart
- Custom coded HVAC logic utilizing thermodynamic equations to model valve actuations, fan speeds, and background automated activities to reach user input target temperature set points
- Automated hydraulic system
- Custom built, automated anti ice system with visual icing. If in auto mode, the aircraft will automatically turn on anti icing for the needed surfaces
- Fully automated pressurization system, with manual/auto oxygen drop mask deployment in case of pressurization failure
- Functioning fire panel with audio warnings and CAS messages
Unique Displays and Autopilot Functionalities
- Custom G3000 Touch Screen Controller (TSC) allowing the user to control the aircraft lighting system, HVAC system, checklists, performance initialization, V-Speeds, exits, static elements, pax loading, cargo and fuel
- Coupled Vertical Navigation
- Built-in checklists
- Custom PFD/MFD/ENGINE DISPLAY faithful to the real-life counterpart
- Custom PFD Crew Alert System (CAS) with over 130 unique messages as per the AFM
- CSC system (cruise speed control)
- Fully automated external lighting system handling taxi and landing situations with a TSC interface to choose between auto or manual modes
- Controllable and dimmable internal lighting system through the TSC
Model Details
- Highly detailed exterior and interior models with 4K PBR textures
- Custom ground power unit and ground power delivery system
- Functioning main, front/rear cargo doors, GPU door
- In cabin details like movable sun visors, automated oxygen masks, modeled lavatory with functioning door, and other hidden easter eggs
- Detailed passenger cabin including controllable ambient lighting, window smart glass shades etc
- Visual icing build up as per icing conditions and anti-icing system
- 100s of animations for control surfaces, flaps, clamshell speed brakes, gear animations, gear doors etc. — All modeled from real world references
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