iniBuilds New York en Buffalo Airport bijgewerkt

iniBuilds heeft zowel New York John F. Kennedy Airport (KJFK) als Buffalo Niagara Airport (KBUF) voorzien van een verse update. Deze zijn nu binnen te halen via de iniManager.


Changelog: KJFK v1.1.0

  • Improvements to, or adding of, LOD models
  • Addition of LOD textures
  • Removal of unused materials
  • General tidy up of materials and geometry
  • Adjustment of LOD values
  • Rail/road network now fully lodded and separated into smaller models
  • Missing night lighting T4 [added new mast lights]
  • Interior doesn’t load in when spawning at A47 (and close by)
  • Departure area of T4 causing abnormally high GPU load
  • Taxiway signs not illuminated at night
  • Terrain dip around ZA/YA
  • Bumps on next to runway 31R
  • Bumps in runway fixed
  • ADDED: taxiway lines/parking added and updated next to T8 Parking 16-18
  • ADDED: ramp parking 1A to 1D (T8)
  • Fixed LOD no parallax issue on TWA Hotel
  • Fixed parallax flicker on T5 windows
  • Fixed geometry flicker on some T8 windows


Changelog: KBUF v1.1.0

  • Fixed:
    • Bump in D6
    • Approach lights in active runway areas (all runways)
    • Double signage near TACair
    • Reduce GSE density
    • Some missing interior textures
  • Added:
    • Additional GA and ramp parking in all areas
    • Option to disable statics (only midfield 727 placed)
    • Option to disable all GSE
    • Helipads
  • Other:
    • Fixed control panel
    • All apron-based GSE has been replaced with newer models/variants. This brings the KBUF GSE models into line with our most recent releases. This should significantly improve the overall feel of the airport. Plus they’re all lodded now!
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