LatinVFR Madrid Barajas Airport & City uitgebracht

LatinVFR heeft Madrid Barajas Airport & City uitgebracht voor Microsoft Flight Simulator. De scenery bevat niet alleen de luchthaven, maar ook vele objecten uit de stad Madrid en omgeving. Gebruikers van de Prepar3D versie betalen €15, nieuwe gebruikers kunnen de scenery aanschaffen voor €22.



  • Handmade and detailed PBR ground markings and textures according to the most recent airport situation
  • Handmade, Realistic terminals with interiors, cargo buildings, airport buildings using MSFS PBR materials
  • Realistic airport lighting
  • Realistic airport elevation, according to real world data. The runways elevation and profile according to real world airport charts. Placement of objects and buildings placed according to the elevation of the airport
  • Dozens of Madrid city landmarks, and important points of interest, such as monuments, palaces stadiums and high-rise buildings
  • Optimized for performance to be used on most types of systems
  • Customized and enhanced jetways, 3 different types of jetways according to the real world
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