Majestic Dash 8 Pro nu verkrijgbaar

Update 18 november 2015, nu verkrijgbaar! Meer informatie via de website van Majestic Software.
Majestic Software heeft in een persbericht kenbaar gemaakt dat de Pro versie van de Dash 8 verkrijgbaar zal zijn vanaf woensdag 18 november a.s. Het persbericht is hieronder terug te vinden:
At the beginning of the month we announced that the PRO Edition of the Q400 will be released sometime in November, and yes I know many began speculating when the actual date would be.
Well the Boss has made it official – that after 5 years of the Q400 PRO being in development, we plan on releasing this long awaited BEAST on the 18th of November (PROVIDING that there are not any last minute hang-ups).
For most, the only thing that you guys are awaiting is the Shared Cockpit functionality – so be sure to get up to speed on being proficient and able to properly handle the aircraft so that your CA or FO is not doing all the work by themselves.Some of the other features to be expected are :
1. ASN weather radar integration
2. Service based failures
3. System Panel functions allowing the failures of the Electrical and hydraulic systems
4. HUD/HGS system integration
5. Autopilot Touch Control Steering
6. Alternate Gear Extension
7. 2D Panels
8. Panel State Options
9. Flight Control Optimization
10. Working Circuit Breaker Simulation
11. FMS ETP/PNR FunctionalityWe the Majestic Software Team (Oleksiy, Dimitri, Nicolai and Simeon) would like to thank all of our supporters – for without you all this venture would not have been possible.
Hahaha! Had gekund maar …….. toch niet
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