Prepar3D hotfix 2.5.12945.0
Lockheed Martin blijft Prepar3D verder door ontwikkelen en verbeteren. Inmiddels is er een nieuwe hotfix voor Prepar3D V2.5 uitgebracht. In deze versie zijn weer een flink aantal optimalisaties doorgevoerd. Een exacte omschrijving van deze punten is hieronder te vinden:
Platform Fixes:
- Fixed a Pure Virtual Error when transitioning between high resolution imagery and default scenery.
- Corrected floating buildings across multiple GPUs.
- Corrected batched scenery objects flickering across multiple GPUs.
- Corrected runway lights not rendering across multiple GPUs.
- Fixed an issue where AI aircraft would not correctly clear navigation settings. This would cause the AI to constantly overwrite control surface values being set by the user through SimConnect.
- Fixed a bug where scenery objects would not correlate across multiple views.
- Fixed shadow issues with GPU terrain and with bathymetry enabled.
- Fixed an issue where non-tessellated terrain would not respect ground detail flag.
- Corrected some textures appearing dull if the Scenario Setup screen was used.
- Fixed crash on shutdown when multiple devices were used.
SimDirector Fixes:
- Context menus will now correctly correspond to the clicked graph node in Mission Visualization.
- Fixed a crash related to saving and applying changes with a spinner box selected.
- Fixed a crash related to changing units with the Measure Tool.
- Fixed a crash when moving SceneryObjects.
- Scenario Visualization now displays an indication of loading for large scenarios.
- Fixed an issue that would cause event actions to generate invalid values of “: 0″.
De hotfix is hier te downloaden
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