Prepar3Dv5.3 Hotfix1 uitgebracht

Het ontwikkelteam van Lockheed Martin heeft een eerste hotfix beschikbaar gesteld voor Prepar3Dv5.3. De client en scenery moeten in ieder geval worden bijgewerkt voor deze hotfix. Lees het volledige changelog hieronder.


Client Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed issue where loading would take longer when in SimDirector backstage.
  • Visual runway extension approaches are now enabled per aircraft instead of globally.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when using the PduBuilder::GetRawData function.
  • Fixed issue where gun attachments were not correctly updating over DIS.
  • Performance improvements to various airport geometry flatten operations.
  • Additional improvements to GPS final approach passage criteria.
  • Fixed bug preventing 4th information text line from displaying.
  • Improvements to intersection smoothing and taxiway rendering at sloped airports.
  • Single magneto performance drop is now configurable.
  • Added capability for aux boost pump to override mixture cutoff.
  • Improved road traffic and light performance and fixed issue preventing exclusion areas from being checked with road traffic.
  • Fixed issue causing flashlight to flicker in some cases.
  • Fix erratic GPS approach CDI/CRS when passing missed approach point.
  • Improved sloped airport performance.
  • Fixed issue preventing horizon haze from rendering with Enhanced Atmospherics disabled.
  • Fixed issue causing runway marking textures to shimmer in some cases.
  • Fixed issue causing the application to hang at startup in some cases.
  • Improvements to piston engines including exposing the ability to tune mixture, fixed how piston engine mixture works with boost pump active, and implementing altitude compensating mixture flag.
  • Updated GPS to get reference stall and cruise speeds from ISimObjects.
  • Fixed issue causing sun to be slightly misaligned with reflections with Enhanced Atmospherics active.

Prepar3D Scenery Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed performance issues in certain areas including around KMCO.
  • Fixed issue preventing jetways from moving.
  • Fixed various issues with missing facility objects and departures.
  • Fixed issues with Charlotte coastline areas.
  • Fixed rendering issues with various road traffic models causing reduced performance.
  • Various scenery fixes in the DC and Hawaii areas.
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