Released: Aerosoft Airport Berlin Brandenburg
Ontwikkelaar LimeSim heeft via Aerosoft Airport Berlin Brandenburg uitgebracht voor Microsoft Flight Simulator. Nadat het vliegveld eindelijk haar deuren heeft geopend, kan het nu dus ook in de sim worden gebruikt.
De scenery is voor zo’n €20 verkrijgbaar via Aerosoft.
- Features a highly accurate recreation of Berlin-Schönefeld & Berlin Brandenburg Airport (EDDB, BER)
- Brand new highly detailed government terminal with reception area for the German Capital’s government VIP’s including presidents, premier ministers, kings and queens
- Highly detailed models of airport terminals, hangars, buildings and other airport facilities
- Accurate taxiway, apron and stands layout (including the brand-new taxiway G, taxiway C extension, apron 3B and more)
- Custom aerial image covering the airport bounds and close vicinity
- Detailed terminals and aprons with realistic illumination using the latest material techniques
- Detailed terrain elevation data lets you feel almost every tiny slope that is there in real world when taxiing (e.g., taxiways tilted sideways for sewage reasons)
- Photorealistic building and ground textures
- Custom animated jetways
- Custom taxiway signage
- Realistic night time dynamic lighting
- New Terminal 2 and other buildings recently constructed
- One of the first add-ons to use the advanced new MSFS airport lighting system for taxiways with custom made models for this airport
- VFR scenery surroundings like Waltersdorf shopping complex, autobahn flyovers, bridges and more bring the surrounding scenery to life
- Notes:
- Functional Safegates (VDGS) will be integrated as soon as there is a reliable technical solution by the MSFS SDK
- After installation, please select “Schönefeld / EDDB” as long as MSFS hasn’t updated to the airport’s new name
nog steeds geen vip missie in fs2024
Voor iedereen die FSVisions een warm hart toedraagt een gelukkig en gezond 2025! Happy and Many safe Flights!
Gelukkig nieuw jaar ook voor iedereen gewenst!
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