Released: Aerosoft Airport Zagreb
Aerosoft heeft Zagreb Airport (LDZA) uitgebracht voor Microsoft Flight Simulator. De luchthaven van de Kroatische hoofdstad is vernoemd naar de eerste president van het land ‘Franjo Tuđman’. Naast de luchthaven is er ook aandacht besteed aan het militaire gedeelte en de omgeving zoals de TV toren ‘Sljeme’ en de oude ruïnes van ‘Medvedgrad’.
De scenery is verkrijgbaar via Aerosoft voor zo’n €18. Heb je de Prepar3D versie aangeschaft? Dan betaal je tot 31 mei €14. Meer info en aanschaf via de productpagina.
- Franjo Tuđman Airport” (LDZA) with all the buildings and service facilities, translucent detailed new terminal buildings with interior designs. Complete military area with hangars and buildings. TV tower “Sljeme” and old ruins of “Medvedgrad” are included
- A custom orthophoto that covers altered parts of the original Bing satellite image
- Terraforming with correct elevation of the entire airport and its surroundings adapted to the elevation of the surrounding terrain according to MSFS
- The actual slope of the runway according to the technical documentation of the airport
- Slight slopes of the apron towards the drainage channels
- Detailed ground markings based on recent charts of parking stands and new taxiway layouts including recent changes of taxiway layout
- AFCAD with correct GATE and Parking positions and a functional animated custom Jetway with each GATE
- Custom animated windsocks
- Animated radar antenna
- RNW Edge, Approach lights and PAPI custom model
- Custom taxiway signage
- Realistic night time dynamic lighting
- complete PBR + normal texturing of all objects and ground
- Most models and textures based on photos taken at the airport
- Static aircraft and vehicles
- Custom Catering Truck and Boarding Stairs
- Customized airport services according to the type of parking position
- Realistic navigational aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS). AFD optimized, frequencies and approaches adapted based on recent charts
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