Released: Aerosoft Brno Airport P3D
Aerosoft heeft Brno Airport (LKTB) uitgebracht voor Prepar3Dv4 en Prepar3Dv5. Deze Tsjechische luchthaven bevindt zich op ongeveer 7 km. ten zuidoosten van de stad Brno en is aangelegd in de jaren 50. Ryanair, SkyUp en SmartWings maken gebruik van deze luchthaven.
Je kunt de scenery aanschaffen via Aerosoft voor zo’n €22.
- Runway lighting, taxiway lighting, ALS works depending on weather conditions: reduced visibility, precipitation in rain and snow; also implemented a flashing light system
- Windsocks show the direction and strength of the wind
- Models of static aerodrome transport vehicles, including fire fighting vehicles, fuel tankers, and official vehicles, are made into account actual vehicles used at Brno airport
- Animated passengers, airport staff, including technicians, a flight crew with pilots, and flight attendants
- There are trees and grass around the airport and at the airport itself, covered with autumn leaves or snow in winter, depending on the season
- During rain, the asphalt becomes wet, and puddles appear
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