Released: Aerosoft Liepaja Airport

Aerosoft heeft Liepaja Airport uitgebracht voor Prepar3Dv5. Liepaja Airport (EVLA) is een luchthaven gelegen in het westen van Litouwen. In 2014 is er een grote verbouwing begonnen aan de luchthaven. Naast het aanpakken van de verlichting, drainage en startbanen is er ook nieuwe apparatuur geplaatst waardoor nu zowel ILS als VOR/DME mogelijk zijn.

Vanuit Liepaja zijn er regelmatige verbindingen met Riga Airport (AirBaltic) en daarnaast ook, Hamburg, Kopenhagen en andere Europese steden. Toestellen als de Boeing 737, Airbus A220 en de Bomdardier Q400 zijn veel geziene gasten.

Je kunt de scenery nu aanschaffen via Aerosoft voor ca. €20.



  • When creating the Liepaja airport project, aerial photographs were used, which were provided by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency. Aerial cover the entire territory of the airport, the city of Liepaja, as well as the surroundings and settlements around the airport
  • Scenery includes original buildings at the airport, airport infrastructure, training hangar of airBaltic flight academy
  • In addition to the above, runway lighting, approach Light System and dynamic lighting are implemented. Animated passengers and cars can be seen at the airport
  • There are also animated windsocks at the airport that show the strength and direction of the wind. When approaching runway 24, animated power plants are located
  • Runway lighting is weather dependent
  • When creating the Liepaja airport project, attention was paid to the location of city objects. The berths in the seaport of Liepaja and the city center are unique. Made buildings of the Liepaja University, sports complex, concert hall “Lielais Dzintars”, Lutheran Cathedral
  • Night street lighting has also been included in the project. In the project you can see the Drupas fort, which belongs to the northern fortifications of Liepaja and is part of the Liepaja fortress. The project includes the Liepaja Lighthouse, the Pilot Tower and, of course, City Name On The Beach, which has an original night illumination
  • Most of the 3D objects in the Liepaja project are made using PBR textures and materials, including the runway and apron coating
  • The project includes 3D trees, changing seasons
  • Liepaja project is fully compatible with Orbx add-ons: Global BASE Pack, Global openLC Europe & Global VECTOR
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