Released: FSDreamTeam Houston Intercontinental Airport
FSDreamTeam heeft haar Microsoft Flight Simulator versie van Houston Intercontinental Airport (KIAH) uitgebracht. De ontwikkelaar belooft een up-to-date 2023 versie die gebruik maakt van moderne technieken, zoals terraforming en gebruik van parallax effecten.
De scenery is verkrijgbaar via de web site van FSDreamTeam voor de schappelijke prijs van ca. €12.
- Airport fully updated to its 2023 status.
- New Terminal C modeled from scratch, with full interiors. All gates on this Terminal use the GSX “Airport walkers” featrure, to show passengers walking inside the terminal interiors, in addition to the ones eventaully boarding/deboarding the airplane with GSX.
- Complete customized integration with GSX Pro, with the included profile featuring more than 1500 custom pushback routes, 49 Walk-in Gates, 156 VGDS.
- New door automation, with all doors at Terminals B and C automatically opening/closing during passenger Boarding/Deboarding in GSX, with the relevant information panel at the gate animated showing the GSX operation in progress.
- All parking positions have custom friendly names in the GSX menu, to bypass the limited naming convention possible with MSFS by default.
- Highly accurate airport definition file, with proper parking codes for AI, tested with both FSLTL and FS Traffic.
- Full Dynamic Lights, with hundreds of light sources spread around the whole airport.
- Bridges/underpass depicted using the latest high-rest Terraforming.
- Fully customized Taxiway lights, with dynamic lighting, including orange/green variations on taxiways that intersect runways.
- Most textures improved and upscaled usign AI, then manually converted to PBR.
- Extensive use of the MSFS Parallax shaders, to improve the appearance of all buildings that don’t have modeled interiors, with almost zero cost on performances.
Tip: NIET kopen! De reviewers zijn allemaal vreselijk teleurgesteld. Ikzelf heb me er even goed in verdiept en haar bekeken,…
Graag gedaan Hans1961! :-)
Bedankt voor de info Matthias! Groetjes uit EHRD!
Graag gedaan Cees! M.v.g. Het FsVisions team! :-)
Fijne informatie, mijn dank.
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