”The Eagle has landed!”
Oke, we hebben het hier niet over de beroemde woorden van Amerikaanse Commandant/astronaut Neil Armstrong toen hij en pilot/astronaut Buzz Aldrin hun Apollo Lunar Module genaamd Eagle op de maan zette op 20 juli,1969. Waar we het wel over hebben is de F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle van ontwikkelaar DC Designs voor MSFS. Hoe gaaf moet het wel niet zijn om met deze jet door de prachtige wereld van MSFS te vliegen? Het antwoord is……………………….GAAF! Hier te koop voor 33.75 Euro.
DC Designs are proud to announce their first aircraft collection for Microsoft Flight Simulator! This F-15 Eagle package includes four highly detailed MSFS models: the F-15C, D, E and I ‘Ra’am’ Eagles.
Fully native MSFS aircraft
- All models have been coded with Microsoft Flight Simulator native ‘Model Behaviors’ animations and built to MSFS operational specifications to prevent issues with future simulator upgrades.
- The DC Designs F-15 Eagles are fully compliant with MSFS native materials and make use of the new simulator’s features such as rain effects and sounds, fully reflective glass, native aerodynamic sound structures, the new ‘Modern’ aerodynamics system with the ability to provoke ‘departure spins’, and customised visibility controls for wheel chocks, covers, GPU and guard.
- The F-15 Eagles also contain custom-built and animated effects such as G-vapor, afterburners, and custom-modelled Head-Up Displays.
- Other features include authentic night lighting which includes user-operated ‘slime lights’ for combat operations and custom-coded air-intake animations based on aircraft airspeed and angle-of-attack.
- Numerous external animations including canopy, crew ladders, tail hook and control surfaces are modelled to mimic the Eagle’s ‘active’ fly-by-wire systems.
- The F-15 Eagles are also fully compliant with Virtual Reality headsets.
- Truly 3D virtual cockpits featuring accurately modelled ejector seats, controls and detailed texturing, each matching the respective variants
- Instruments constructed in 3D with smooth animations
- Working rear-view mirrors
- ‘Scratched canopy’ glass effects, reflective glass
- Crew figures in the virtual cockpit are coded to disappear when you occupy their seats
- Front and rear cockpit positions included in all twin-seat variants
Aircraft systems
- 3D modelled dials, ADI, ‘whiskey’ compass and other high-detail instruments designed to emulate the appearance of the real F-15 Eagles
- MFDs with visual layouts based on the real aircraft systems
- Head-Up Display with authentic layout based on the real F-15 Eagle variants
- Custom-coded, user-controlled ordnance via the simulator Payload Manager, allowing for live mounting of weapons on hardpoints with active weight increase.
A full operations manual is included.
DC Designs’ F-15 Eagle is designed to provide a top-quality aircraft that is extremely detailed, yet less demanding to fly than today’s most complex procedural simulators. Equipped with all required avionics, and with custom-coded animations and systems, the DC Designs F-15 Eagle is designed to be accessible to all users without the need for intense study.
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Duurt nog ff. Ga pas eind september :-) Maar toch bedankt ;-)