UK2000 stopt per direct met X-Plane

Ontwikkelaar Garry Summons van UK2000 heeft op Facebook aangekondigd per direct te stoppen met het ontwikkelen van sceneries voor X-Plane 11. Hij geeft aan dat het lastig is om als developer aan 4 platforms tegelijkertijd moet werken. De focus zal nu komen te liggen op FSX, Prepar3D en MSFS. Lees het volledige statement hieronder.
We have taken the difficult decision to suspend scenery development for X-Plane 11 effective immediately. We know that many of our customers may be unhappy with this decision, but there is simply not enough time in the day to develop for 4 simulators (FSX, P3D, XP11 & MSFS), when UK2000 has only 1 developer. Who have there own real life commitments and family to focus on.
We faced many issues developing for XP11, as the simulator itself was like nothing we have developed for before; FSX, P3D & MSFS all have the same backend infrastructure. MSFS promises to be the next major simulator, obviously it is not at this stage yet, but we feel it will be in the near future.So will be shifting our overall development focus to MSFS, P3D & FSX. This decision has not been easy, but it is a decision that we feel we must take as an scenery developer for the betterment of our staff and developer to continue thriving in the future.Our current X-Plane 11 sceneries will continue to be available to purchase on our website, if any customers want to grab any of these sceneries.
Sorry once again.
Hahaha! Had gekund maar …….. toch niet
Nou dat lijkt wel erg veel op je eigen naam dan he ....
Hoi Cor, Nee, maar dit had inderdaad ook gekund Een extra tip……….Maxime is een vaak een vrouw, en …… is…
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