De titel zegt het al, Hier te koop voor 22.87 Euro. Ben je al in het bezit van de vorige versie? Goed nieuws aangezien je dan maar 12.10 Euro betaald. Hieronder alle info:
If you previously purchased TRIFONOV YURI S.P. – XVISION FOR X-PLANE 11 at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 12.1 incl. VAT (10.00 excl. VAT) only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
A tool that helps simmers to make the most eye-catching virtual flight experience in X-Plane 11. Supports Vulkan and OpenGL modes of X-Plane 11.50-11.51r1.
(if you’re using old X-Plane versions 11.21-11.41 please see our legacy tool for these versions here: https://secure.simmarket.com/trifonov-yuri-s.p.-xvision-for-x-plane-11.phtml. Activation keys for this version are valid for legacy versions of xVision)
xVision Vulkan edition supports X-Plane versions 11.50-11.51r1.
Some functionality of xVision (shader tweaks) may be broken in next X-Plane releases.
One of significant part of xVision (shader tweaks) based on undocumented and unsupported X-Plane interface. Shaders are “bleeding edge” technology and may be changed by developers with next release of X-Plane in an arbitrary manner. Such changes may cause one or even all shader tweaks malfunction.
Please take this into account when considering purchasing/using xVision.
If you have ever developed your X-Plane visuals, you know that good results can be achieved only by using good textures and FlyWithLua plugins. xVision offers you a quick and convenient way to control these resources without manually editing/copying files or any other confusing rubbish.
Each xVision solution consists of three interrelated parts that affect the visual component of virtual flights: textures, Lua scripts and shader tweaks. All three components could be understood as a coherent whole (package). You can download a solution from the/a file, save, rename, make your own packages. Use solutions created by simmers, create your own solutions, share your work with other people. It’s easy: each solution is a single file, not a bunch of different files that should be installed in different directories with different conditions.
Main features:
Simple and user-friendly
- Strict control of X-Plane core shaders integrity and easy recovery original X-Plane shaders and visual resources.
- Detailed illustrated help on each tweak and its parameters.
- Implemented a detailed error logging system that will help to identify the problem(s) and fix them right away.
- Customisable skin of tool interface with hiDPI support.
- Easy to start: xVision installation package contains four ready-to-use complete solutions with tweaks, scripts and textures.
- No FPS penalty. Works with Virtual Reality.
X-Plane shaders tweaks
- 19 different tweaks with fully customisable options for clouds, lighting, terrain, atmosphere, water adjustments.
Post-processing effects. It does work with Virtual Reality environment
- Post-process effects that can be used natively in X-Plane without external utilities.
- Sepia, Curves, Levels, LiftGammaGain, Technicolor, Vibrance, LumaSharpen, DPX Cineon, Tonemap and more… adapted for X-Plane renderind engine.
- Brightness, contrast, saturation adjustments.
- Separate effects and adjustments for whole scene and for virtual cockpit.
- Each post-process effect can use X-Plane specific variables that provide the additional flexibilty.
Visual resources and scripts management
- Lua scripts for FlyWithLua plugin management.
- Flexible visual resources installer (skycolors, clouds, spot lights, water textures and more…)
nog steeds geen vip missie in fs2024
Voor iedereen die FSVisions een warm hart toedraagt een gelukkig en gezond 2025! Happy and Many safe Flights!
Gelukkig nieuw jaar ook voor iedereen gewenst!
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