Aerosoft CRJ voor MSFS vertraagd / teaser

Helaas heeft de release vertraging opgelopen, wel kunnen we genieten van de onderstaande zojuist uitgekomen korte video. Kijk en geniet.
“Dear FlightSim Community,
We feel the expectation on us to give official information about the release of the Aerosoft CRJ 550/700 for the Microsoft Flight Simulator.
In this regard we have a concern and we’ll keep it short: We made a really tough decision to postpone the CRJ release into the first quarter of next year. This decision wasn’t easy for us, because we know how much anticipation there is in the community for this add-on.
“We have decided to do so, because we want to deliver a CRJ that meets all expectations, but we have not reached this level yet. We need more time for the development and beta testing. We hope the additional time allows us to complete the necessary work to provide the highest quality and the best possible experience for you right from the start.
We therefore hope for your understanding. However, we do have a little present for you. The first official teaser”.
Ah, al weer! Dit verhaal vertelde hij al jaren en jaren … zal mij niet verbazen dat de eerste release tijdens het eerstvolgend FS Weekend van 2022 of later zal worden aangekondigd en helaas …