MSFS: Sim Update 14 Beta verschenen

Voor de liefhebbers van nieuwe updates is er nu de eerste beta van Sim Update 14 verschenen. Deze update brengt o.a. verbeteringen in de ATC en verbeteringen aan de standaard toestellen. Wil je meetesten of ben je gewoon benieuwd naar de verbeteringen? Lees dan hieronder de release notes en daarna kun je besluiten om deel te nemen.



The Sim Update 14 Beta includes a change to address issues with players not seeing each other in multiplayer. To effectively test the change during the Beta, we need to separate flighting users and GA users on different servers. This means:

  • Players joined to the Sim Update 14 Beta will not be able to see friends in multiplayer on the current public version (and vice versa). To see your friends in multiplayer, please ensure you are both participating in the Sim Update 14 Beta or both on the current public version.
  • All participants in the Sim Update 14 Beta will be connected to the US-East server—this is intentional. Due to this, depending on your region, you may notice some latency issues in multiplayer modes (ex. Reno).

This multiplayer change also introduced the following bug which will be fixed in a future Sim Update 14 flighting update:

  • Animated aircraft elements (ex. propellers, rotors) are not visible on multiplayer aircraft.


  • ATC Vectoring bug fixes:
    • Now assigning the correct clearance when the first two waypoints were one over the other.
    • Now assigning a new vector & clearance every time the user asks the ATC for a new vector.
  • ATC now clears a step to the next altitude some time before arriving at the previously cleared altitude, rather than once arrived at the previously cleared altitude. (Next step is issued when at 2000FT from cleared altitude rather than 250FT from cleared altitude).
  • Added flight plan assistance setting for ATC in the user experience assistance settings so that users can request the ATC to favor their flight plan or world map flight settings over the current conditions. This assistance is set to “Active” by default.
    • Active: ATC will set the active runway and approach for the departure and arrival airport based on the users flight plan or settings in the world map.
    • Deactivated: ATC will set the active runway and approach based on current conditions only.

General Bug Fixes



  • See boxed section at the top of this thread – Fixed an issue of players not seeing each other in Multiplayer


  • Enhanced ATC phraseology. Some of the improvements include:
    • The removal of the word ‘for’ in altitude change requests.
    • Eliminating the requirement to include altimeter settings in takeoff clearances.


  • Fixed an issue where the wind from a malformed METAR was incorrectly read
  • Snow and ice coverage accuracy has been improved in live weather

Glass Cockpits

Garmin G3000 / G5000

  • Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan.

G1000 Nxi

  • Added support for hardware keyboard with new AS1000_CONTROL_PAD_ H events.
  • Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan.



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the state of Avionics circuit dependent features to be toggled on and off when no MarkerBeacon circuit was present
  • Corrected an issue that would cause some P-51s to lose power in Reno races 22
  • Corrected many false positive errors regarding InputEvents when loading AI planes
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent cockpit interactions from working in some rare conditions
  • Fixed – T-6 Undecided – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Improved aircraft simulation stability (few potential crashes were fixed)
  • Fixed – T-6 Baby Boomer – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Fixed – P-51D Strega – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Fixed – P-51D Miss America – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Fixed – P-51D LadyB – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Fixed – L-39 Sarance – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Fixed – L-39 Pipsqueak – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen
  • Contact Points compression under some kind of roof (bridge, cave, arch, etc.) was fixed
  • Aircraft Registration can no longer be lowercase
  • Payload station weights that are set via SimConnect are now properly displayed in the Weight&Balance toolbar panel.

External HUD

  • Minimized HUD can now display more than 8 engines power values


  • Anti-stall protection is now disabled for helicopters

Boeing 787-10 / Boeing 747-8i

  • Weight & Balance: An operational CG margin is considered now to avoid extreme CG values when loading the aircraft.
  • SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly.
  • CHECKLISTS: Fixed bug where checklists that only contain closed loop items would sometimes be skipped when entering the checklist page if all items are completed.
  • [787] CHECKLISTS: Fixed flaps checklist items being completed before the flaps reached the selected position.
  • [787] W&B: Corrected movement of the CG as fuel is burned by moving the tanks to the exact locations of those on the real plane.
  • [787] EFB: Support clearing of the TOW field.
  • [787] EFB: Cap the achievable MTOW at the certified limit of the plane.
  • [787] EFB: Correct error message when current TOW exceeds the achievable MTOW.
  • [787] EFB: Added Automatic brightness adjustment.
  • [787] EFB: Fixed spelling errors.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Reserve fuel transfer will now not stop once started mid flight.

Curtiss JN-4 “Jenny”

  • Fixed – [KO-KR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Korean in Curtiss Jenny.
  • Fixed – [Localization] Livery names are not localized in liveries page.
  • Fixed – [pl-PL] Missing/untranslated words in checklist.
  • Fixed – [TR-TR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Turkish in Curtiss Jenny.

Daher TBM 930

  • Fixed broken autopilot panel backlighting.

Robin DR400

  • Fixed flaps looking misaligned with the wings in neutral position.


  • Used more realistic mapping of wave lengths onto RBG values for the ozone layer scattering and the sun color, resulting in more realistic colors of the sky and the lighting in the world.


  • Added “set_max_compression” and “spring_exponential_fix” parameters to the “[CONTACT_POINTS]” section of the “flight_model.cfg” file. See SDK for details.
  • Several features have been added and bugs have been fixed for the skid-type landing gear, which can now be retractable. See SDK for details.
  • More parameters have been added to the “[VIEWS]” section of the “camera.cfg” file to control the behavior of the external camera (“external_camera_distance”, “external_camera_follows_heading”, “external_camera_follows_velocity”). See SDK for details.
  • Fixed crash when “positive_g_limit_flaps_up” parameter is present in [AIRPLANE_GEOMETRY] section in flight_model.cfg, but one of the parameters: “positive_g_limit_flaps_down” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_up” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_down” is missing. See SDK for details.
  • Added new Coherent calls SET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE and GET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE to get/set the planned cruise altitude the ingame ATC knows about.


  • Fixed context setting of Material Editor when opening Scenery Editor
  • Aircraft debug windows stability was improved
  • “Exponential Constant” parameter is added to the Contact Point serialization (it was missed)
  • Debug lod: option to disable 30Km mesh display limit


  • New Data are availaible through NavData API (Pavement, Vasi, Approach Lights)
  • Ident and region are now two separate fields while requesting Facilities
  • SimConnect Input Events function can now be used while devmode is disabled
  • SimConnect Input Events shouldn’t crash the sim after going back to main menu (or restarting a flight)



Aircraft Editor

  • Made NdArrays more flexible, avoid writing too much data per line.
  • Added Expert Mode to the editor. Expert Mode eliminate all constraint on the editor regarding conditional fields, required parameters or array sizes. Only already existing parameters and modified parameters are saved. This mode allows for greater flexibility of the editor but require more knowledge on how to configure an aircraft.
  • Added new parameters
  • Added rotation Gizmo
  • Added an option to delete a parameter from the cfg file, or to reset it to its default value

Visual Effects Editor

  • New nodes: Abs, Sin, Cos
  • New fixed orientation feature
  • Fixed visual effect instances not being properly stopped and restarted when the Visual Effects Editor is closed


  • Fixed a bug in CommBus API that cause first registration of an event in Wasm to be ignore
  • Fixed an error in the depencies of the VFX Aircraft Sample (and rename the sample from “SampleWasmModule” to “VfxWasmModule”)

1 Reactie

  1. WielXP schreef:

    Persoonlijk vindt ik de mooiere kleuren in de schemertijden goed gelukt. Goed werk van Asobo.
    Deze update heeft nog wel het probleem dat je iedere keer na het starten van MSFS al je assistent opties terug gezet zijn naar easy mode. Tenzij je een volledig lege community folder hebt…….Asobo is bekent met deze bug en werkt eraan, maar een fix is er nog niet.

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