Released: Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ

Al eerder aangekondigd, maar vandaag is het zover. Het eerste high-end toestel voor Microsoft Flight Simulator is uitgekomen, de Aerosoft CRJ550/700! Ontwikkeld door Digital Aviation, Aerosoft en met hulp van Asobo. Het toestel is nu te verkrijgen via de Aerosoft web site en kost €50. Het toestel zal ook direct ook de in-game Marketplace beschikbaar komen, vermoedelijk vanavond.
Op dit moment is de site van Aerosoft zeer traag vanwege de grote belangstelling. Bekijk de trailer en features hieronder.
- Highly detailed modeling based on many photos of the original aircraft
- Covered with high resolution PBR textures that convey virtual reality extremely well
- The possibilities of the new flight simulator engine are mostly utilized
- Fluid animations of moving parts such as landing gear, flaps and doors
- The cockpit shows detailed modeling and animations that provide a realistic look and feel of this popular airliner
- Support of advanced features, such as rain effects, etc.
- The flight model is based on Flight Simulator’s new aerodynamic model to provide more realistic behavior of the CRJ in all flight conditions. It has been fine tuned to reflect the performance and reactive behavior of the CRJ
- Included are the CRJ 550 and 700 models with 9 liveries
- Extensive Flight Management System and Honeywell ProLine Avionics including Advisory and Coupled Vertical Navigation
- Delivered with February/March 2102 (AIRAC 2021) nav data
- Navigation data can be updated via NavDataPro and Navigraph
- Head-up Guidance System
Electronic Flight Display:
- Detailed performance calculations based on actual weight and balance and graphical display of actualized load sheet
- Transfer of weight, fuel and calculated V-speeds into the FMS, if desired
- Checklists for all flight situations
- Individual configuration settings for aircraft maintenance, preferred aircraft state when loading and additional options
- Chart display (NavDataPro Charts and Navigraph charts) with position tracking
This option will be made available free of charge as soon as the SDK allows it!
- CRJ 550:
- United Express/Go Jet N504GJ
- Private D-ALKI
- CRJ 700:
- LH/EW Regional D-ACSB
- LH Cityline D-ACPF
- Air France Hop F-FGRZH
- American Eagle N508AE (New Colors)
- Alaska Airlines N215AG
- Delta Connection/SkyWest N608SK
- Delta Endeavor N391CA
Simulator options:
- Eight manuals, including detailed step-by-step documentation
- Immersive sounds created using Wwise (so full FS standards)
- Compatible with Honeycomb and newest Thrustmaster TCA controllers
- Many new options to tweak the product to your likings and your hardware
“Come fly with me” by The Dude:
In this special series you will learn more about the CRJ basics, systems and more from an experienced CRJ pilot. You can find the different episodes here.
Big news!
Inderdaad een mooie mijlpaal voor de nieuwe sim en CRJ liefhebber!
Nice! Ben benieuwd naar de eerste feedback.
Wel even 51 euri’s. Wat mankementen, zwabbert bij het vliegen, zullen in de toekomst wel weggewerkt worden. Wel een ding is dat er een Lufthansel variant is. Moet je denken, je komt je bed uit en je gaat je coroni uurtjes in en zet de fs aan en … achtung dort haben wir Wilhelm … weg dag!