PA-38 TOMAHAWK uitgekomen bij Justflight

Justflight heeft de PA-38 Tomahawk uitgebracht. Ze;f zeggen ze er dit over:


The latest GA aircraft from Just Flight’s in-house development team is now on sale for P3D and FSX!

PBR materials (requires P3D v4.4 or later) and exceptionally detailed modelling throughout raise our new Tomahawk to a whole new level. Every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations and systems include a custom-coded electrical system with functional circuit breakers, optional failures and functioning carburettor heat and primer.

ten paint schemes are included and the Tomahawk features an authentic Lycoming O-235 sound set, accurate flight dynamics and provision for Flight1 GTN and GNS integration.

All the product details, including a promotional video for this one can be found here:

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